Thomas Doukinitsas


After having figured out what we would see on the screen, it was time to start testing out our vision.

We started by trying to find locations. As we didn't have enough time to think about an exact location, we used a similar approach as our psychogeography project: just go out there and do it.
By leaving this to chance we may get some pleasant surprises.

After looking at a few locations walking towards farnham centre, we found them to be boring/quiet, with not enough detail to use in all of the senses we needed.

We tried filming near a busy road with cars, and although more effective, it still seemed like it was lacking something.

However, after looking back on our failed attempts, as we were walking home we decided that maybe an interior shoot would be more interesting and be more controlled.

The next day, we came up with a little loopable scenario of someone's everyday life:
Person wakes up, goes downstairs, puts kettle on, plays with tablet, makes tea, goes to bedroom, turns tv on and falls back to sleep.

We initially tried some tests where i was holding the camera and performing the actions, but this didn't work in situations where the person's hands needed to do something in shot.

Therefore in the end Lauren ended up being the actor, and as she performed the actions, i awkwardly held the camera roughly in front of her face, trying to imitate where she would look at.

Also, to help us out we split the one continuous shot in to a series of takes.

We also added some little details as we were figuring out the shots.

All and all, we got the shots that we needed and we had good fun as this was all spontaneous.

After Lauren started the edit, she suggested doing a series of jump cuts to help the pacing, since it was too boring.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.