Thomas Doukinitsas


After receiving feedback on our initial tests we decided to go for a more generalized concept for our shoot, aimed at a wider audience.

During a walk through farnham park we thought that walking a dog here would be an excellent idea for our POV shoot.

Julia thankfully managed to find a dog for our shoot.

Our plan was to walk in a circle round farnham park, therefore making it easy to loop. However after many failed attempts we saw that it wasn't working 100%.

However, after the first few takes we managed to get a good take, this time walking from the park to the city (to get some interesting changes in sound/visuals).

During this take we had some fortunate accidents, eg. another dog approached and interacted with our dog.

As me and Lauren were focusing on shooting the visuals, Julia was grabbing sounds to use.

Lastly, we did the same walk, but this time i captured detail images for the picture section of our project. Here are some examples:

Returning home, the tasks were split as follows:

  • Lauren was in charge of editing the video and making it loop
  • Josh was to edit the sound recordings
  • Julia focused on building the model brain
  • My job was to edit the pictures and program the software.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.