Thomas Doukinitsas
PROFESSIONAL TOOLKIT: Footage & Reflections

PROFESSIONAL TOOLKIT: Footage & Reflections

This is all the footage we shot during the professional toolkit shoot.

Looking back at the footage, i believe we did quite a good job as a team.

Even though i've learned quite allot about directing on this project, the main thing that i've learned is working within and managing a large team.

Giving people responsibilities (and re-assigning them if a crew member fails to keep up) was a very important part, and making sure everyone's opinions are heard, but don't clash with the original intentions of the project was hard, but necessary to avoid arguments that could compromise the project.

Also making sure that our pre-production was adequate helped us allot with the actual shoot since we had a rough mental image in our heads about what we were making. This also helped with mine and the crew's confidence during shooting.

All i can say is that i'm glad i worked on this with everyone, and can't wait until post production next year.

Lastly, and most importantly as you can see we had fun together as a crew during the set build/shoot:


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.