Thomas Doukinitsas
REFLECTIONS: Reflections on Photography Project

REFLECTIONS: Reflections on Photography Project

22:17 , 0 Comments

Overall, it's been a fun and interesting task to challenge myself, and to think about photography not only about the photographs, but also about the way they are presented.

However, although i'm pleased with the technical outcomes of this project, i still believe that i heavily lack on the ideas side.

I would have liked to have spent more time actually conceptualizing the big idea, rather than focusing on the little details or the technicalities so much.

Also i wish my final idea hadn't occurred to me earlier on, since this project feels personally a tad bit rushed.

I will be asking my peers and tutors of their opinions about the project, and will be welcoming any negative or positive feedback in order to improve future projects...


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.