Thomas Doukinitsas
REFLECTIONS: Video Project Idea

REFLECTIONS: Video Project Idea

19:40 , 0 Comments

The main idea and goal is to capture and then portray to the viewer the feeling of real dreams, by researching and interviewing people about their experiences with dreams, and then creating a visual experience based on those reports. The challenge is however to not use any of the original interview material in a voice over or a cutaway, the film has to be a complete dream experience to the viewer, so the interview will only be used as a basis for the film, but not be a part of it. The film will be a mix of the most interesting visual experiences people tell us during their interview.

A very good starting point is a series of video art pieces called “DIESEL DREAMS”, a series of short films by 30 different filmmakers, each one being a dream in itself. I particularly like the visual style, as it does mach the dreamlike state that people experience.

Also a good quote about the visual style of dreams (from Wikipedia) is that “The visual nature of dreams is generally highly phantasmagoric; that is, different locations and objects continuously blend into each other. The visuals (including locations, characters/people, objects/artifacts) are generally reflective of a person's memories and experiences, but often take on highly exaggerated and bizarre forms.”

I want this project to be visually strange and bizarre, as dreams already are. Sound also will be an interesting aspect of this project. This whole project has to be fragmented up until the point where it will set a dreamlike mood, but not beyond the point where it becomes incomprehensible to the viewer, because after all the point will be to transfer the viewer in to a dream-like state or mood, not to confuse them completely.

The content of this film will depend entirely on the interviews given. Because not all of the dreams told to us can be used, the entire group will decide on the most visually interesting ideas, and then bring those to life.

Hopefully, by setting the challenge of not using the original interview as part of the film, we will explore a more experimental approach to what would be otherwise considered as a documentary film.

Also, to effectively create the dreams visually the group will have to research:
  • Dreams (Both scientifically and theoretically)
  • How memories affect and feed in to dreams
  • how dreams have been interpreted over the years.

Hopefully this project will also develop the group’s technical skills due to the amount of visuals needed for the project, and also develop the groups understanding of dreams, and their link to reflections and memories.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.