Thomas Doukinitsas
REFLECTIONS: Re enactment film conclusions

REFLECTIONS: Re enactment film conclusions

17:03 , 0 Comments

So after todays screening of the re-enactment film, and after the lack of feedback and comments, i have some very interesting conclusions to make.

My main conclusion is that as a film, this piece has partially failed. Even though from a technical aspect and from a research aspect it is ok, from an execution standpoint i believe that i have failed to do two main things:
  1. Correctly portray the emotion and shock of the situation
  2. Make a point with the film
After looking back at the entire process, i believe that this is down to me not giving enough directions to the actress's performance and not spending any time rehearsing or going through the script with her, and also because i've allocated too much time to the technical process of the film. (Note to self: Spend most of the time on the pre-production, especially planning the shoot and the performance itself)

Also, to make a point with the film a good idea (as seen with most of the other re-enactment film) is to bring an entirely new twist to an already existing subject (a really good example would be Lucy's film).

Hopefully during the process of making this film i will learn from my mistakes and focus more on the idea before committing myself to the technicalities...


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.