Thomas Doukinitsas
REFLECTIONS: Re-enactment shoot

REFLECTIONS: Re-enactment shoot

22:14 , 0 Comments

During our self directed study time on Tuesday morning, i decided to gather a mini crew (Lauren, Me and Josh) to film my re-enactment film. During the past few days i had prepared a full script, and had re-watched all of the footage i found, as well as sending those videos to Lauren who would act as Jennifer.

As we were setting up

During the shoot we had a few problems due to the weather (note to self: weather reports are never accurate, especially in this country), but in the end we managed to finish shooting. Also another lesson learned during this shoot is that even if you are in front of someones property, ALWAYS let them know what you are doing and ask for permission before you set up. Luckily i managed to politely explain our situation and awknowledge our mistakes, so the store owner was ok afterwards with us filming there.

On a technical note, i shot the film on my Cannon 600D, using two lenses: The 18-55mm Kit and Lauren's 50mm lens. I wanted it get tight and closeup shots for two reasons mainly, to establish and better portray Jennifer's emotions, but also to not show allot of the surrounding area (because unfortunately we didn't have the budget to fly to new york).

But now the problem is how do you establish the location and the event?

The first way would be using Digital Effects to composite a matte painting of the twin towers over the original footage. The tight shots meant that i would not have to be too accurate with the perspective to pull it off. I did the digital compositing and match moving for the VFX, and one of my friends from my old workplace helped with accurately simulating the explosion.

Secondly i used found footage (both audio and video) to add in inserts to better establish the environment and situation.

Lastly before the main title of the film (8:42am) you see the date, which gives away the situation almost immediately.

Hopefully i've managed to capture the story of Jennifer, even though it's not an accurate representation of the event. It's more of an effort to portray the emotions of Jennifer, someone who had the pressure of telling her terrible experience on air, to the public.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.