REFLECTIONS: Photography Project Concept Art and Lighting Tests
Here is some concept art for my Digital Photography Project i talked about in an earlier post:
Now, on my previous post i was thinking of doing this as a series of images displayed horizontally, one next to the other... but i was thinking of the concept of "an image within an image", much like Tom Hussey's series called "Reflections".
Much like his series, i want to show an old person reflecting on memories from his life. Instead of having the "reflection" in a mirror, i want the past memories to be photos in picture frames on the wall. Now this could be done as four images inside one big image (creating a series of five images), or it could be a photo of an old man in the center, with another four photos around him, and slightly smaller.
Finally, on Friday i had the chance to participate in a friends shoot, so i managed to gain a bit more experience with the studio flashes (note to self: next time, don't forget the light meter, or you'll be spending a good 10 minutes playing with the camera settings)
Some of the shots i got were:
Finally, on Friday i had the chance to participate in a friends shoot, so i managed to gain a bit more experience with the studio flashes (note to self: next time, don't forget the light meter, or you'll be spending a good 10 minutes playing with the camera settings)
Some of the shots i got were:
Note: These photos have not been edited, and are straight off the camera.
I was experimenting with a three point lighting set up:
- A key light to the left, using a soft box to diffuse the light
- A fill light, just behind and above the camera, using an umbrella.
- A rim light, to the right and behind the subject with no accessory attached.