Thomas Doukinitsas
PROFESSIONAL TOOLKIT: It's slowly coming together... almost

PROFESSIONAL TOOLKIT: It's slowly coming together... almost

Today during our session on set we continued on with the lining paper.

In between putting each sheet of paper on me, Shahid and Rob also went over some shots and had a look at Shahid's detailed storyboards.

Throughout the day we also took at trip to Homebase to get some more lining paper and a couple of packs of laminate flooring. Me and Lucy decided to get value lining paper priced at £15 for 3 square meters.

However these two packs only covered 1/3 of the set. After having a talk about budgeting and sending an email to Rosie it seems like we may have to split the extra costs as a group and hope it can be claimed back...

At least now though the set is starting to look like a gallery

And yes... that's Rob lying on the floor after a busy day...


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.