Thomas Doukinitsas
PROFESSIONAL TOOLKIT: Finishing the Set Build

PROFESSIONAL TOOLKIT: Finishing the Set Build

The set build continued on with applying lining paper to the walls. This was a team effort in order to get it done quickly.

After speaking to Lucy about the flooring, it was obvious that we needed roughly 3-4 more packs of laminate flooring. The remaining floor was measured and the team concluded that 4 more packs needed to be bought. Also we needed some underlay to protect the studio floor.

So off it was to homebase... again...

Since the flooring could not be laid down until the paint went down, me and Shahid had a look at the storyboards so far. Me and rob also talked about some of the filming aspects.

Julia also notified me that a call sheet would be made for the actor. Since i am contacting our now cast actor, i requested his information and notified him about bringing in a photo id.

The next day, we all arrived to try and get the laminate flooring installed.

After me, Rob, Lucy, Lauren, Shahid, Joel, Marco and Ulysses tried to unsuccessfully slide the flooring in to place, Dowan who had previous DIY experience suggested to hammer the panels in to each other to cover the gaps.

After doing two rows of panels, now came time to do the left side...
Since our wall is at an angle (because of us using false perspective) we had to cut up the remaining floorboards with Chris's help so that they could just slide in to place.

During this i ran to the library with Shahid's now completed storyboards in order to scan them as a digital copy.

Also i believe at the same time Julia was working on preparing a call sheet...

Now it was time for the finishing touches.

We had managed to get our hands on some plinths, so we used one of those for the set. We also put the frames in place, added the chair and tv and re-arranged the lights a bit to finish off the spotlight-gallery look.

Also, i laid down Anne's greens creen and places tracking markers in points that would help the tracking, and that would help me figure out where the wall should extend to in post production.

I'm extremely pleased with the final result, and am very happy with the teamwork put in to this build.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.