Thomas Doukinitsas
MAPS & JOURNEYS: Project first ideas

MAPS & JOURNEYS: Project first ideas

One of my original ideas from when we got the brief would be exploring humanity's journey towards nature, and how the latter has been affected.

After seeing "The treachery of sanctuary" by Chris Milk, i was fascinated by the interactivity aspect of the piece.

The viewer interactively drives the experience through a kinnect.
Therefore i was wondering if i could add some element of interactivity to my piece.

What if the viewer saw a landscape, full of nature, but as he approached it it somehow turned in to something different. A crowded city maybe, or perhaps a dystopian destroyed landscape? This could be interpreted as "the closer humanity gets to nature, the more nature disappears"

Now, to actually execute this will be a very tough thing to do, therefore i will be asking for advice wether or not this idea is even possible...


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.