Thomas Doukinitsas
DANCE VIDEO: Evaluation and Reflections

DANCE VIDEO: Evaluation and Reflections

During this project i had to learn some things the hard way, especially during the post-production process.

The first thing i learned was that the "We'll fix it in post" attitude is bad practice and SHOULD BE AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS. During the shoot as a visual effects supervisor if i had just asked around for a black cloth to put on the floor we could have avoided so many of the masking shots, freeing up time for the more important sequences such as Amelia passing through the mirror. Therefore next time if i ever am a visual effects supervisor instead of thinking how things could be fixed in post production i will try and think of ways of avoiding visual effects for silly things.

The second thing that i could have done better was enforce a final cut from the beginning before we started the visual effects. Even though i know this would be hard since we got our feedback in the middle of the edit, and we had such a tight shedule, it would have saved allot of time and avoided allot of stress during the last few days of post production.

Lastly i would like to apologise to the entire team for being late on multiple occasions during post production (coming in at 12pm instead of 10am), and although thankfully it didn't affect the work it was extremely unprofessional of me and in the industry such behavior could have been extremely damaging. Amazingly after realizing this, i managed to come in 9:50am sharp for all of the other days!

Overall though i am extremely happy with how this project developed from a quick idea that came up during a dance workshop. As a team we have managed to bond very well and figure out how to work together, and i really enjoyed the concept of experimentation throughout the entire process. This experimentation leads to ideas being generated quickly and most of all... allot of fun!

Our dancer was an absolute pleasure to work with, and i hope that in the future we work with talent that are proactive and are willing to contribute their own ideas to the project.

As a camera operator i got to work on two shoots including ours, with some great gear and learn from first hand how rigorous and hard a shoot can be, and how to react quickly to situations.

Post-Production was an amazing experience, and despite the problems and long hours, i felt comfortable in such an environment and believe that i would be happy in a post-production career.

So... after all of that i am proud to present the product of our hard work:


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.