Thomas Doukinitsas
DANCE VIDEO: After Approval and Before the Shoot

DANCE VIDEO: After Approval and Before the Shoot

Booking out rooms has been the definition of a logistical nightmare...

Originally we had booked the 25th of may for g27 with a full equipment list, and two extra days for an audition and a rehearsal in classrooms.

However, despite our early panning we had to work in conjunction with Laura, Lauren, Katherine and Molly's group who desperately needed a studio, to completely rearrange all of our bookings due to all the studios being fully booked.

As a space appeared on the 20th, the underwater dance group couldn't take that space due to their dancer. However, as we could we decided to swap our slot with theirs.

This posed another step of confusion as our equipment bookings had to be swapped over. Luckily we booked roughly the same equipment. However during the process we did lose a couple of sandbags and a c stand.

Also, since Dowan needs a camera for Friday morning, i've offered to swap the EX-3 that we need in exchange with my personal 600D. I'll be giving him a few tips and tricks on Thurdsay for how to use extra software that i've installed on it.


After receiving replies for our film we did two skype auditions and one physical audition. During the auditions we asked the dancers what they would like to input to the project, and also some of the more practical things such as availability.

This is some of the footage we shot during our physical auditions:

We decided to cast Amelia Emma Forest for her contemporary dance skills and enthusiasm for the project.

During our Skype conversation we talked allot about collaboration, and how each art form could feed in to each other.

We also went through allot of the ideas of the film, and how we'd like to structure it.

Overall, as a group we are extremely happy with Amelia, and believe she is a strong motivated individual fit for the part.

On Monday we booked a room to meet and greet our newly cast dancer, and to try out a few things such as movement, visual effects and costume. This is the result of that day:

To test out some of the more complicated shots we decided to shoot visual effects tests for the pass through mirror shot, but also for the duplication shot.

The way i'm going about creating the mirror shot is using a bunch of adjustment layers in combination with the displacement map effect to create a mirror/glass look. Then the elements that are passing through the mirror are rotoscoped and put above the adjustment layers. The edge of the matte is used to further distort the areas where Amelia is passing through the mirror, as if she is bending reality. My conclusion to avoid needless extra roto work is to shoot it in front of a greenscreen

For the duplication shot, it's just a case of matchmoving both shots and creating a split screen mask.


I also created a simplified call sheet to schedule our shoot, and gather our equipment list and contact details in one place:


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.