Thomas Doukinitsas
INTERACTIVITY: Introduction to Unity

INTERACTIVITY: Introduction to Unity

Starting of the interactivity workshop was a pretty much hands on introduction to Unity, a widely used game engine.

We learned how to create basic GameObjects, such as Cubes, Spheres, Planes and Lights.

We also learned how to use components, and how they add attributes to a GameObject.

We were asked to create a very simple physics simulation with cubes

We also started to script in C#, learning about variables and their types, functions and how Unity has it's own set of added functions such as the Start and Update functions, and the "if" statement.

Overall it has been a good introduction to the software, and i'm quite exited to explore interactive software and game design.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.