Thomas Doukinitsas
Cultures of Convergence: History of Art and Cinema in the 20th and 21st Century - An introduction.

Cultures of Convergence: History of Art and Cinema in the 20th and 21st Century - An introduction.

20:46 , , 0 Comments

1. From Pre-Modernism to Modernism

"Picnic on the grass" considered as a foundation of modern art
does not follow rules of perspective
there no longer is a clear subject, the painting itself is questioned.

"Sunset Painting" by Turner vs "Impression, Sunrise" by Monet
Turner: subject is the ship
Monet: interest in the colors.

Pre-modernist art is about reproduction,
Modernist art is about presenting the artist's feelings, vision.

"Fountain" by Marcel Duchamp

2. High Modernism

Arists: Jackson Pollock

3. From modernism to post-modernism

Decomposing painting to it's basic elements.

Minimalism: Parodying or going against Modernism, literally interpreting the theory

Conceptual Art

Land Art

Pop Art

4. Contemporary Art

Post Conceptual Art: Immitation of Ads, Text

Relational Aestherics

Contemporary art is a discourse of what art is (?)


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.