Thomas Doukinitsas
TIME ART: Emotional... Typography?

TIME ART: Emotional... Typography?

After my last tutorial with Simon my idea radically changed to a completely different concept, so that it becomes more personal.

The idea was think of something that you are passionate about:
  • Filmmaking

Then think of how it relates to time:
  • It takes allot of time to make films

Then think of the emotions that you may experience through that:
  • Joy (of coming up with the idea)
  • Anger, Frustration (whilst making it and when things go wrong)
  • Accomplishment, Fulfillment (showing the final result to people
Now, how do you go about explaining this in a creative way that fits the brief. During Simon's tutorials as he was suggesting things he said "Text", and i really liked that as an idea.

I've been working with text for a while now, but i wan't to explore text and it's relation to emotions more.

I've found two interesting articles to start me off with this:

I can't wait to develop my idea more, and try and do something that i've not done before, not in this sense anyway...


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.