Thomas Doukinitsas
TIME ART: New Idea

TIME ART: New Idea

So, after thinking about our three screen installation project, i've thought of a completely new idea that deals with the passage of time.

After a bit of research on how this has been done, the main thing that came to mind was a time lapse, but i don't want to do that - not in the traditional sense anyway - since we are supposed to experiment.

I immediately thought of something Rosie showed us:

here i like the rapid cutting and the lack of sound, that makes it a bit more mundane, a mood that i'm going for.

After more digging around, i found a really interesting music video that uses a similar style, but in a more graphics heavy approach:

I want to do something in a similar style, but i'll have to find a way to appropriate it to a three screen installation. Hopefully i will be able to after tomorrow's tutorial with Simon.

Also, after reading this i'm also thinking of the concept of time existing simultaneously across all points in time. Maybe it could be the basis for the conceptual part of my piece.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.