Thomas Doukinitsas


To try figuring out some of the techniques behind the effects for "D-Eb31e" me and Shahid shot a test using the GH4 and the Motorized slider.

The idea is that by repeating the same camera move, but shooting all of the elements separately on a green screen i can separately isolate and edit all of the elements individually, avoiding other more time consuming techniques such as rotoscoping and paint work.

The first step is to synchronize all of the shots and then key and merge all of the individual passes to reconstruct the shot as it should look if it was shot for real.

To distort the wall a "displacement map" is needed, basically a black and white image where the black areas will remain unaffected, and the white areas will be displaced from their original position. If the texture is animated this can produce a really nice effect.

To create this map i'm using Nuke's built in noise gizmo, as well as some other ones downloaded from

To properly add the effect to the moving wall the background layer was tracked and the position of that was applied to the displacement map. I also added a color grade gizmo using the displacement map as a mask in order to create an interesting glow near the areas where the distortion was most noticeable.

although it started to look cool, to add a bit more warp and distortion i added a spline morph gizmo to the layer, but before the displacement map. A spline warp allows you to draw outlines around the image and then warp those outlines.

I also added the spline warp to the background elements in order to make them bend also.

As final touches i added some color effects and camera shake, and also a color correction layer.

This is also an earlier test using Primatte instead of Keylight, and using other methods to warp the wall and objects:

Personally i like the first version's wall warping, but the keying process from the second version. The render times for both of these are considerably high so i will need to rethink some elements to lower the render times.

Lastly, through using Nuke Studio i discovered that it can automate the export and import process for the visual effects files. This could save almost 1-2 hours spent exporting the images and setting up the projects.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.