Thomas Doukinitsas


Finishing the base model:
Continuing on from the last blog post, i continued to use extrusion modeling to create the rest of the body. This is the result:

After that i added another skin material to the rest of the body to match the face material.

I Then continued to extrude to create the hands and fingers:


To start off the rigging process, i used Cinema 4D's Character Object, a system that allows a generic rig to be modified to fit the model, this works by adding key points to the model:

Facial Expressions with Morph Targets:
Since we wanted the character's facial expressions to be more expressive and stylized, beyond the boundaries of a conventional rig,  i decided to use morph targets. Copies of the main model are made, modified with the different expressions and those expressions are morphed between each other. I also used the "doodle tool" to draw over the viewport to get a guide for modeling the expressions. This also made the expressions feel more cartoony.

Fixing the weights / internal muscle system:
The automatic binding process had some unexpected results with connecting the bones to the appropriate part of the mesh, therefore manual intervention was needed to correct this, using Weight Painting.

Also to help with the look of the muscles as it is a main characteristic of our character, I added an internal muscle structure for the arms. However there are still a few problems with it.

One of the things me and Lauren thought of was that if there are any problems with the rig and there is not enough time to fix them, since we are creating a reflexive piece we could just write the problem in to the script and turn it in to a gag.

Rig tests:
The following tests were made to test out the current version of the rig and spot any problems that needed to be fixed:


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.