THEORY: 2.01 Representation, Identity and Stereotypes
Representation, Identity and Stereotypes
Representation: To describe or depict something, to call it up in the mind by description of portrayal or imagination… to symbolise something.
Definitions of “RE PRESENTATION”
Presentation is direct, Representation is indirect
Re-presenting implies Repetition —> Familiarity
Digital media could provide a bigger possibility of self-representation
STEREOTYPES are widely circulated ideas or assumptions about particular groups of people
- Categorising and evaluating the group
- Emphasis on some easily perceived features, that suggest the groups position
- The evaluations is not always, but usually negative
- Stereotypes often try to insist on absolute differences or boundaries
Stereotypes can be found in Race, Culture, Gender...
Sex ≠ Gender
Sex depends on physical charecteristics, Gender is culturally formed and depend more on mental charecteristics.
Key Theorist: Laura Mulvey
Usually in TV, Cinema and Media, Female characters's purpose is to be looked at. This is an affect of "the male gaze". Good examples of this are Jessica Rabit and Lara Croft
Racism & Stereotypes: The "Blackface" Case
By watching some cartoons from 1940s we can see some racist and stereotypes for african american people. Eg. the perception people had then about their looks, their position in society etc. These stereotypes have obvioustly been created by white americans.
Stereotypes & Urban Culture:
Politics forced poor people to move, due to giving power to the middle / uper class. Urban culture emmerged by the people on the outside, but was then disguarded. Then urban culture re-emerges in popular culture, but appropriated without it's original meaning. Being "gangster" is synonymous with "cool", ignoring it's original meaning.
Politics forced poor people to move, due to giving power to the middle / uper class. Urban culture emmerged by the people on the outside, but was then disguarded. Then urban culture re-emerges in popular culture, but appropriated without it's original meaning. Being "gangster" is synonymous with "cool", ignoring it's original meaning.