Thomas Doukinitsas
REFLECTIONS: Creative Writing Excersize

REFLECTIONS: Creative Writing Excersize

17:33 , 0 Comments

This is what we created from different magazine cut-ups:

This is the original freewriting paragraph, with my starting sentence highlighted:

the sector is being in more from the way is has been formed, due to the fact that its organizational personnel is not the best in the country. However new measures have been put in place so that the sector gets up and running again. The sector’s population is still complaining however that the current government aren't doing enough about the situation, so this may be the start of new elections. Also communication with other sectors has been crippled due to the riots, and the government has issued a statement saying that if this continues, they might have to declare a state of emergency. If something like that happens, than who knows what will happen to not only the sector and its populants, but also all other sectors.

The new and original story is as follows:

"Communication with other sectors has been crippled." he started writing "We have been trapped underground, with limited rations and resources. Please, if anyone is out there, help us". As he finished by writing their coordinates, he looked at the four wounded soldiers behind him. As he sent the message, his communication device blinked. "Low Battery" he read. As he looked around, reminding himself of his current situation, he was wondering: "Why? Why are we being idiots about this? We all have a common will for survival, yet on our own we have managed to let greed overcome us...". He was trying to remember how it all started... Was it the rapidly disappearing resources? Was a disagreement, or even an agreement by the elite few that run this place? Is it all worth all the lives that have been lost?. Suddenly he screamed as loud as he could, and then, in complete and total silence just looked down. His comrades were feeling the same. As all hope on even humanity itself was disappearing, the communication device blinked. "The battery must be drained" he said. "But, wait... why is the light still on?". He picked up the device, and looked at the screen. "We've got your message, and we are on our way to help you get out of there. Over."


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.